Friday, March 1, 2013

My Home - A series of posts. Part 2

In my previous post I started by talking about my media setup in regards to audio and video.
So today I figured I would write about my gaming setup. (This is probably the least developed part of my setup)

General setup

TV: My TV is a Luxor 32LD507, 32" LCD, a lot of my friends would find this too small but coming from a 32" CRT.. This TV is a vast improvement.

Audio: Sadly for now I remain listening to the TV's speakers.

Video Input: Since I have a couple of consoles, my TV lacks enough connections to connect them all.
To give myself some more options I have bought an RCA Switch for about 200 SEK. Picture below-

Xbox360 (left), Playstation 2 (middle), Wii (right)

As my desktop also serves as my media server (XBMC), it too is connected to the TV using a HDMI cable.


As of right now I have four consoles hooked up to the TV.

  • Playstation 2 Slim
  • Nintendo Wii 
  • Microsoft Xbox 360
  • Sega Megadrive 2
I also have a Commodore 64 and Sega master system in storage, these are not hooked up as I either lack the cables or some other reason..


Most of my gaming happens on my desktop as it's my favorite way to play single player games and since it has the strongest hardware so I can play current games.

I will give a complete listing of his hardware when I write up a post about him.

That is about it for my gaming stuff right now I think ..